ben boosted

Inspired by I'm wondering if there could be a future where power is micro-decentralised down to the individual appliance - could PVs and batteries become so cheap they are easy to simply attach to every (outdoor) item separately? Energy costs and an interest in local generation has me interested in learning much more...

Watched "River" (, at Finsbury Park Picturehouse. Phenomenal drone photography and a great score. Really a great spectacle in every direction!

It's also so cool to be able to walk right home from the cinema... 🍿

The Hold Steady in Camden last night. First live music since the pandemic! 2022-03-04 is an awesome concept: "create images with one pixel for every RGB color (16,777,216); not one color missing, and not one color twice". I love the variety that can be produced, and also that the conditions essentially force creations to have a significant compontent.

I first put this together last November, but couldn't make it sound "together". Around Christmas Arturia gave away copies of their Tape MELLO-FI, which I used to give a more lo-fi vibe, and decided I like the sound.

Clearing an old drive, found this play from 2012-08-23. Recorded at Canal Saint-Martin, near where I lived at that time in Paris

"Small areas of symmetry" This is based on a previous sketch (, with an added control: click any block to mirror it to the right

Working tomorrow after a much-enjoyed break, so haven't had much chance to work on today. For the theme, "Human", I have started implementing a markov chain using as a source. The idea is to allow, a virtual pet I created as a Matrix bot, to be able to express it's state (hunger, fatige, boredom etc) via generated sentences, but I don't have anything to show for the work yet!

After implementing the basic version I noodled around and created some imperfections, but it was also interesting to layer and fold the output a little.

Animating the previous version - technically this is now a 4-deep loop, but it's in the spirit ;)

ben boosted

This is a private instance for Ben.